Tech Innovation For Good: #REDfaves
It goes without saying that technology has completely changed the way we live, work, and communicate.
Just scanning the latest headlines, you’ll inevitably get the feeling that it’s for the worst. After all, twenty years ago a law that banned texting while driving didn’t exist, nor did nomophobia (you can look that one up here). And while it’s easy to see the negative impacts, let’s not forget that tech innovation has also spearheaded a new movement of social good.
If you follow us on Instagram, then you may have spotted some of our #REDfaves. Each week, we share some pretty cool companies doing some pretty cool things to make the world a better place. Here are a few worth mentioning…
Safety: Miner Details
The Connected Miner, created by our Community and Hiring Partner Vandrico Inc, protects underground miners by preventing accidents, errors and downtime. This smart watch is the hub of real-time communications between miners, the equipment, and their environment, proving how wearables are paving a new era of ‘smart’ apparel. Learn more here.
Meet Luke
Developed by inventor Dean Kamen and DARPA, the LUKE arm is the first prosthetic limb that translates signals from a patient’s muscles into complex motions. LUKE, named after Luke Skywalker’s prosthetic in Star Wars, will deliver a number of new capabilities to amputees, including carrying heavy or delicate objects, and a strong enough elbow to lift groceries off the floor. Learn more here.
Have A Seat In Tech Innovation
Designed by Newlight Technologies, the AirCarbon™ chair could have huge implications for our environment. That’s because it was made essentially out of pollution by sequestering destructive carbon emissions that would otherwise heat the atmosphere. Learn more here.
Know of someone worth a #REDfaves shout out? Tag on Instagram and let’s spread the good news!
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