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Chances are that you’ve had at least one job that you didn’t like.


Every time the alarm went off you groaned knowing you’d have to get through the next eight hours. You lived for Friday and loathed every Monday, and never felt passionate or fulfilled. Sound familiar? Well, Kurtis was one of those people, so he decided to do something about it. Now he’s sharing how he took a leap of faith in this RED Academy review…

We all have those days when we wish we could stay in bed, take a 3-day weekend, or will the clock to go faster. But when you find that this becomes an every day occurrence rather than once in a while, something’s gotta give. Life is too short to spend 40 hours a week wishing you were doing something – anything – else. And with so much opportunity right now, it’s always a good time to start carving a new career path.

“I was really unhappy with what I was doing before. I have an accounting degree and I saw this and thought, ‘kay, this is something I’d really love to do.’”

Packing up his things and moving from Edmonton, Kurtis followed his gut and enrolled at our Web Development Professional Program. Now he’s a successful Developer at BAM Communications, a leading full service creative agency in Vancouver.

RED Academy Review: Web Development Alumni


Want to learn more about our part-time Foundational Web Developer Program or full-time Web Developer Professional Program? Give us a shout! info [at] redacademy [dot] com.

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